Moar new things!

well, moar new-to-kitty things.

trying out an artfire.

'tis here ::

and to celebrate the fact that artfire lets you use coupons (omg, i can't TELL YOU how awesome i find that.), here is one :: SKY AT DUSK B2G1
this code will let you get all three of the prints in this series ::

but you'll only need pay for 2 of them. :D

a little info on the prints :: they're 5x7, on glossy photopaper, and signed/numbered on the back.

plus, you'll get to have one of my fancy new business cards. (did i tell you about them? they're kraft paper and cardstock and made of awesome incarnate.)

aren't they awesome? ok, i know they don't have anything on them yet, and they look like notecards (which are also cool), but i love lovelove them.

but anyway, that's all my news, see ya!